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Bite Me, GE Capital

I haven’t been able to get this off  my chest, so naturally the best thing for me to do is write a post about it.

Friday, September 24, 2010, 8:42 am

The phone rings and it’s an 800 number. I answer it because I’m trying to get solicitors to stop calling, so I answer to ask them to remove me from their calling list.

Me: Hello?

Them: In a recorded voice-“Hello, we are looking for the person who is handling the affairs for the late Frank (it states his middle initial and last name), if you are the correct person, please press one. If not, please press two.”

Me: I press one and wait. And wait. And wait. At least five minutes pass and I was just about to hang up when the recorded voice came back.

Them: “We’re sorry, we cannot connect you at this time to the representative assigned to your case. Please call us back at xxx-xxx-xxxx.”

Me: I hang up and I do NOT call them back at the number they asked me to.

Why? Well, my gut reaction was:

Are you kidding me? What kind of scam is this? You want me to call YOU? It’s almost 7 months since my husband passed away and I get this call? Frank had no will, no estate, no assets, no debt. Everything was in my name when he died with the exception of  one small debt, about $300 that through my conversations with GE Capital, I was told I didn’t have to pay it as my name was not on the account. That conversation occurred back in April.

The more I thought about it the more I wondered if there was something legitimate about the call. Could it possibly relate to that piddly $300 bucks with GE Captial? Or was it a scam? I felt the approach taken to contact me was suspicious and there had been a recent article in our local paper about collection agencies calling grieving family members to pressure them for payment of debts of the deceased. I wanted confirmation so I called a relative who is professional debt collector. She’s been doing it for years and she knows the rules and regulations inside and out. I thought she could check out the phone numbers and see if I’m right; if it has to do with the GE Capital account and if so, what do I do?

The Reality

M calls the number given to me and finds out that yes, they are a collection company and are calling on behalf of GE Capital about that minuscule debt. They “just” want to see if there is an executor they can talk to about the debt in order to settle it. M tells me that legally they cannot collect from me on a deceased account because one, I am not the executor (no one is, there is NO will) and two, it isn’t a joint account. In fact, she was surprised they were even trying since the amount is so small, they usually don’t do that because there’s nothing in it for them. She told me I had to call this collection company because they wouldn’t tell her anything else without my permission.

M also tells me that even though the collection company will likely do an estate and asset search, they are limited to what they can even search for. Frank clearly doesn’t have an income…he’s DEAD, his name does not exist on any documents anymore other than his death certificate because… he’s DEAD. I’m fairly livid at this point in time because just the thought of having to do this makes me positively ill.

I called this collection company and sure enough, they are going to do a search. I explained to the man I spoke with that there is no executor, Frank died with no assets to his name. He said if they need to, they’ll get back to me. Huh. Two days late I get a document in the mail explaining all of this (and more) and there is so much gobblydeegook in that I’m going to have M look it over. I’m not an idiot but I need to be sure I’m not going to be sued in any way, and the way things are phrased on the document, who the hell can tell?

So now?

I’m still pissed. Very pissed. Here I’m trying to move along in my life, adapting to the changes I experience on my new journey. I’m enjoying my life in a true way for the first time in two solid years and I have to get this call NOW, the one related to an issue I was told was CLOSED? Seven months after his death. Where’s the karma here? What have I done to deserve this?

As a rule I am one of the most upbeat, positive, optimistic people you will ever meet. But this situation absolutely burns me. I’m trying to keep a smile on my face every day but sometimes it’s really hard to fake my feelings when I think about how unnecessary this situation is. And until it’s finally resolved, I know that’s how I’ll continue to feel.

How on earth could GE Capital think that going after a lousy $300 debt is worth it? The collection agency gets a portion and there are an amazing number of people involved, I’m pretty sure it would be like getting fifty cents in the CEO’s pocket after all is said and done. Even M said it’s a pretty worthless debt to chase, it certainly wouldn’t ever make it to court. The powers that be at GE Capital should be ashamed of themselves.

What bothers me to the core is that each time a situation arises that involves Frank, it’s a harsh reminder of all I’ve lost.


3 thoughts on “Bite Me, GE Capital

  1. I would contact GE Capitol directly and tell them

    1. You had already spoken with them (give dates and names if possible) and what was discussed.

    2 Reiterate that Frank died intestate with no assets.

    3. That you are legally not boud to this matter in ay way and that further contact from eith GE or the collection agency will be considered harrassment.

    On the other hand, I might pay the debt, not to avoid the hassle, but to honor Frank’s honesty and trustworthiness. And I would stress this reasoning to whomever I spoke with.

    I would pay it directly to GE so the collector gets no cut. Them I would invite to join Frank in the hereafter to discuss the matter directly with him. Given their ethics, it would probably be a very long distance conversation, with them looking up and Frank looking down.

  2. This company are obviously related to the probate department of a multi-national bank (if you ever see Formula 1 motor racing they are a HUGE sponsor) who are unable to locate my mother’s bank accounts. Those’ll be the ones clearly visible on the computer in the branch then. And the ones which they informed my father he had to get probate in order to access.

    And our wonderful politicians think private business should be in charge of public services. God help us all.


  3. Firstly… It is incomprehensible that companies use a pre-recorded message to make first contact with relatives to discuss a deceased estate! and then to have the cheek to ask you to return the call is like an additional slap in the face. So incredibly insensitive it’s hard to believe.
    No wonder you are pissed. I would be too. Hard to believe they are still hassling you over this given your previous discussions.
    Enough already.

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